May 10, 2020


Our picturesque and well-prepared tennis courts opened last Thursday and, based on my feedback, players had a good experience and were respectful of our safety protocols. Thank you for that and we hope to see many of you out there soon.

There are and will be many ways for members to participate at our club tennis activities even in this peculiar year – open member play, pro lessons, league matches, round robins, a season-long member-member tournament, among others. Of course, it’s worth repeating that all participants will have follow the safety rules and regulations we have put in place at the Club’s tennis courts and grounds and are playing at their own risk.  

Here is a brief list of some of our adult happenings:

Tennis Leagues
As most of you are aware, the Newfield Club participates every year at summer-long the inter-club Fairfield County Tennis League, fielding three men’s and two women teams. And subject to visiting as well as our players follow our safety rules and procedures and as an exception to our “members only” rule, we intend to participate this year as well. Given the unusual circumstances of 2020, the team captains and us want to ensure that there is enough interest among members/players to take part this year. The matches take place in clubs around Fairfield County on Wednesdays at 6pm (men’s Team 1 and 2), Thursdays at 6pm (men’s Over 50) and on Friday mornings for the women’s teams, starting the week of June 3.

Kindly confirm your interest in participating in the league (be it every week or just once in a while): to our Tennis Head Pro Keith ( for women’s teams and to me ( for men’s teams. Thank you.  

Round Robin
Rick’s Round Robin is a Monday 5pm-8pm men’s doubles outing. Our own Rick Mattice is a master of ceremonies, matching players according to their abilities. So come out and play, for all or part of the fun late afternoons at Newfield. Each week by Saturday, please email Rick ( to let him know that you’re coming so that he can make the appropriate court reservations and record players for tracing purposes, if necessary. Thank you.

Keith will follow up with a similar offering for women, should there be interest.

Member-Member Championship
Similarly to last year, we will hold a self-scheduled, season-long, member-member tourney in all categories (singles, doubles, mixed). Again, please let Keith and me know if you’re interested in participating and what category by May 17th sign-up deadline and will follow up with format and rules separately. Thank you.

Also, once the restrictions are further eased (we hope soon!), Keith will follow up with further information re: junior programs sign ups, junior team try-outs and league. We appreciate your patience.

Finally, while Keith and I are writing here to the whole membership to make sure we don’t miss anyone interested in taking part in these activities, going forward we will communicate primarily through a “tennis only” or “team roster only” email lists so as not to overwhelmed your inboxes with unnecessary emails.

So, friends, it’s time to start working on those overheads!

Petr and Keith